I always wanted a secret garden.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Photo Challenge: Day 96
I got lucky enough to catch this squirrel on camera just before its back legs set down. I thought it was pretty cool. And I just love locust trees. So many fond memories of the two huge locusts in our backyard growing up. I love the rough, cracked bark.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Photo Challenge: Day 95
Drive by shootings -
It is great to see what you get when you just point the lens while driving down the road. I also love the responses I get from people when I pull my camera out at church activities!
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Photo Challenge: Day 94
A few pictures from my walk this morning with Koda.
As I walked, I listened to a talk titled, "Where Is the Pavilion?" by Elder Henry B Eyring of the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Two things stuck out to me in his talk. They are just quotes and I don't want to share the surrounding text at this point. 1) "That prayer produced an unexpected feeling of peace. It did not satisfy her mind's craving for certainty. But for the first time in years, it calmed her heart." 2) "The Lord's delays often seem long. Some last a lifetime. But they are always calculated to bless. They need never be times of loneliness or sorrow or impatience."
Photo Challenge: Day 93
What is it about little kids in sports that is so cute!
I bought seeds today. I'm getting a bit excited for warmer weather. I can't wait to get my hands in the dirt and mud again! I am struck by the similarities between children and seeds. Within a tiny shell lies the power to change for the better. It is the same with children. All they need is a love, food, and shelter and their potential is limitless.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Photo Challenge: Day 92
Toby invited me over to see his new neighbors. Aren't they so adorable!!!! I wanted to take one home with me, but I'm pretty sure their mamma would not have liked that.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Photo Challenge: Day 91
I felt drawn to the foothills today after work. I wasn't wearing the right shoes, nor did I have Koda, but I just felt the need to be near open land. I drove up near the police's gun range and came out on this trail. As I sat here, thinking about my life, I kept being reminded of the scriptures "straight is the way and narrow is the path..." I wasn't sure I was quoting it correctly, so I looked it up and found the following instead. The words seemed to speak the thoughts and desires of my heart.
In the Book of Mormon, Nephi's father (Lehi) has just died and 2 of Nephi's older brothers are angry at him. Nephi begins a period of reflection, starting with the words, "O wretched man that I am! Yea, my heart sorroweth because of my flesh; my soul grieveth because of mine iniquities" (2 Nephi 4:17). However, Nephi goes on to expound on the greatness of God. He then exclaims, "And why should I yield to sin, because of my flesh?" (2 Nephi 4:27). Nephi then prays for God's power to work in his life, to forgive him of his sins, and to strengthen him in his weakness. As Nephi pleads for God's blessings, he exclaims,
"Wilt thou make my path straight before me!" (2 Nephi 4:33)
I too pray that God will "make my path straight before me." When I am on a path, like the one above, I know I can find my way. Life does not provide such obvious paths. I am so easily distracted and sidetracked by my fears and doubts. However, I am learning to recognize that if I seek God's path, then I am better able to trust where I am going.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Photo Challenge: Day 90
I had a rough morning at work. I woke up way late (only in time for work thanks to Colette) because of a faulty alarm clock. Then I made a mistake at work, which made me feel frustrated. Plus, I haven't been sleeping very much the last few days. My friend, Toby, was sweet enough to join me for lunch. We drove to the top of a parking garage downtown. The building across from us fooled us for a second - doesn't it kind of look like it's under construction?
Toby, with the actual construction site behind him.
By the way, I bowled a 147, 152 (yay for breaking the 150 barrier!), and 126. In the last frame of the last game, I bowled a turkey (3 strikes in a row). It was pretty cool!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Photo Challenge: Day 89
I had to run a couple errands at lunch today and drove through Julia Davis Park. I caught myself staring at this car being unloaded for the history museum and decided to take a few pictures. I don't know where they are planning on putting it, but it is a pretty sweet little car.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Photo Challenge: Day 88
Home Evening Group - celebrating President's Day by decorating our outlines in presidential fashion. We had a blast! I'm pretty sure ours was the best, not that I would post the competition for you all to actually judge, but trust me...ours rocked. And afterwards, Jenna and I saw this HUGE tumbleweed in the trash, so we pulled it out and had fun being chased by it...or possessed by it...

Photo Challenge: Day 87
Just driving home from church and passed these two horses just standing in their pasture. Something about the scene just struck me. I probably freaked a few onlookers out when I suddenly decided to flip around to take the picture. I felt drawn to the stance and distance of these two horses. On a hot day, they might stand head to haunch swishing away each others' flies. But on this day, in 50+ degree weather, the horses just stood. Not quite side by side, but close enough to see each other. I have often wished for a friendship like this. One where you do not need to talk, touch, or do anything but just stand near each other. The chicken was an added bonus.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Photo Challenge: Day 86
I went for a beautiful walk with Koda and Aimee this morning. Even the pond was smiling. After the walk, Jenna and I went to the Trey McIntyre Project spring performance, which as so good. It was provocative, engaging, and well done. Jenna and I then went shoe and clothes shopping, which was fun. Seriously, shopping the clearance rack at DSW can just crack me up. There are some crazy shoe designs out there.Then I got a request from my co-worker and friend, Claudia, to come take pictures of her husband officiating his last high school basketball game. I warned her I wasn't very good, but she insisted and the bottom picture was my personal favorite of the night's efforts.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Photo Challenge: Day 85
The BIYSA 2nd Ward had the opportunity to serve in the temple tonight. Unfortunately, the Institute was also having an activity which prevented several of our members from going to the temple. So with about 10 people, we served. As I walked over to the temple, I took a few pictures. I love the serenity and beauty just stepping onto the grounds invokes. As my dad said of my last temple pictures, "Darn good job of capturing serenity!" There is no better place for me to be when I need peace, calm, and serenity than in the temple. I felt it again tonight. Afterwards, Bishop Hobson took the few of us who could out to dinner at Primo's. I ate waaaaaaaay too much pizza! It was a great way to spend Friday night.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Photo Challenge: Day 84
Valentine's Day - One of those holidays that never really made sense to me, even when I was married. It seems to be a day that single people (especially women) seem to dread. I've even heard it called "Singles' Awareness Day." I refused to let today be a sore spot for me. I invited a few friends over (Jenna and Colette were the only ones able to come on such short notice) and provided my remedy for this holiday (Guido's Pizza). The salad and pink drink (some pina colada fruit punch from Kanak Attack Katering) were left over from work and Jenna brought dessert. Happy Valentine's Day to us!!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Bowling League
I don't have pictures for this post, but I just had to put in writing how much fun bowling league was tonight! Colette, my roommate, bowled her best games ever (138 and 144). It was so fun to see her get several strikes in a row. At one point, our team bowled 5 strikes back to back. It was awesome. The team we bowled against tonight were extremely nice and we all cheered each other on. I danced when I bowled, which just made us all laugh. The energy was so up beat and non-competitive. We were all relaxed and enjoying our pizza, 5 year old chocolate (thanks Jana!) and "toilet" water (we had to refill our waters in the bathroom). We also had our stellar sub with us this week - Cassie. We're pretty sure that killer combo is what made this our best cumulative bowling night ever. Next week, we'll be back to bowling like normal, but our handicaps will be lower so our scores might not look so hot...Oh well. Yay for Winter Pizza Bowling League!
Photo Challenge: Day 83
I know these look pretty lame, but I love seeing paw print watermarks around my house. I caught Kaya out and about and got this evening shot of home.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Monday, February 11, 2013
Photo Challenge: Day 81
I walked a brief stint on the Greenbelt. As I crossed the foot bridge near the library, I just kept thinking of the lyrics to Simon and Garfunkel's "Bridge Over Troubled Water."
When you're weary,
feeling small
When tears are in your eyes,
I will dry them all
When tears are in your eyes,
I will dry them all
I'm on your side
When times get rough
And friends just can't be found
When times get rough
And friends just can't be found
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
When you're down and out
When you're on the street
When evening falls so hard
I will comfort you
I'll take your part
When darkness comes
And pain is all around
When you're on the street
When evening falls so hard
I will comfort you
I'll take your part
When darkness comes
And pain is all around
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Sail on silver girl
Sail on by
Your time has come to shine
All your dreams are on their way
See how they shine
Your time has come to shine
All your dreams are on their way
See how they shine
When you need a friend
I'm sailing right behind
I'm sailing right behind
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mindI will ease your mind
Like a bridge over troubled water
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Photo Challenge: Day 80
Today, I took my monthly picture of Table Rock. Classic Boise weather rendered the foothills part snow and part mud. A flock of birds caught my eye in the valley. I couldn't help but catch their wheeling ways on film.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Photo Challenge: Day 79
Today was a busy day. It started out with a trip to the Discovery Center of Idaho. Their special exhibit right now is "Bodies Revealed." I was so excited to take pictures, but they wouldn't allow any photography in the exhibit.
I wandered into the gift shop and saw this shirt. I loved it!
Here's Mom with Patty outside the DCI.After DCI, we ate lunch at Whole Foods, then went to Shopko to look at a bed frame that was on super sale. I ended up buying it and then spent a good chunk of the remaining day building the bed. Didn't turn out too bad, eh?
I also got to go to Chandler's for dessert with some friends. We were celebrating Michelle's 30th birthday. We laughed and laughed and ate a ton of souffle, creme brulee, cobbler with cinnamon ice cream, and fancy cheeses. It was so fun. Unfortunately, none of my pictures turned out very well. Just trust me, we had fun!
Friday, February 8, 2013
Photo Challenge: Day 78
Tonight, Jenna, Colette, Michelle, Mom, and I went to dinner at Chiang Mai Thai Restaurant and then to Ballet Idaho. Ballet Idaho performed Carmen & Don Quixote, or Kitri's Wedding. Carmen was a tragedy and the emotions were prominent in the dance. Kitri's Wedding was light-hearted, happy, fun, and full of twirling, leaping ballerinas. I just love spending an evening with people I love, eating good food, and watching beautiful dancers. Also, we got to celebrate Michelle's and Mom's birthdays for this week. Happy Birthday you two!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Photo Challenge: Day 77
First Thursday in downtown Boise. Mom's in town, so we went to the Cotton Club to see the new Paula Nadelstern fabric collection. I also liked the thread.
After the Cotton Club, we went to the Boise Art Museum (BAM) to view the exhibit "William Morris & Alexis Rockman: The Art of Nature." Alexis Rockman's paintings were sort of disturbing, but mom and I both loved Morris' art glass. No cameras allowed in the exhibit, so no pictures. However, just click the links for pictures!
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Photo Challenge: Day 76
As a child, did you ever imagine yourself living somewhere? Well, my imaginary future home was this cluster of rocks. It is Eagle Rock and it is very close to the home I grew up in. I often played among these rocks and imagined what it would be like to live there. I thought it would be the best home ever.
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